
BritGamble Disclaimer

BritGamble Disclaimer

Welcome to BritGamble! Before participating in our casino tours and related activities, please read this disclaimer carefully.

  1. Nature of Services: BritGamble offers curated casino tours across England, providing participants with access to various casinos and related activities. These tours are designed for entertainment purposes and do not involve real money gambling.
  2. Legal Compliance: Participants must adhere to all local laws and regulations regarding gambling and must be of legal age to participate in casino activities.
  3. Risk Acknowledgment: Engaging in casino games involves inherent risks. While we strive to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, BritGamble cannot be held responsible for any losses, damages, or injuries incurred during the tours.
  4. Tour Modifications: BritGamble reserves the right to modify tour itineraries, activities, and schedules without prior notice. Participants will be informed of any changes as soon as possible.
  5. Participant Conduct: Participants are expected to conduct themselves responsibly and respectfully during the tours. Any behavior deemed inappropriate, including but not limited to disruptive behavior, will result in immediate removal from the tour without refund.
  6. Health and Safety: Participants are responsible for their own health and safety during the tours. BritGamble recommends that participants adhere to all safety guidelines provided by tour guides and casino staff.
  7. Insurance: BritGamble does not provide personal insurance coverage for participants. It is recommended that participants obtain adequate travel and health insurance before joining our tours.
  8. Limitation of Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, BritGamble shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from participation in our tours.
  9. Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer or our services, please contact us.

By participating in BritGamble casino tours, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this disclaimer. Your participation is voluntary, and you assume all risks associated with participating in our tours.